when can i eat solid food after wisdom teeth removal
When can I eat solid food after wisdom teeth removal?
The best food to eat after the removal of wisdom teeth Each time of your wisdom teeth have been fighting their way through your gums for quite a while now. Your gums are swollen, your jaw is sore, and adjacent teeth are hurting. There is simply not enough room for all your teeth – to the extent that your other teeth are starting to move to accommodate your wisdom teeth. At this point, you're probably ready to get your teeth out of wisdom. You're also ready, but you're not sure what you can eat later. Here are the best food to eat after you have your wisdom teeth eliminated. Why is the removal of teeth of wisdom necessary?The teeth of wisdom are the last teeth to push their way through their gums. For most people, teeth of wisdom emerge between the ages of 15 and 25. The teeth of wisdom are also known as third molars, and are found in the back of the jaw, in the four corners of the mouth. Due to limited space in your mouth, wisdom teeth may arise or grow partially in twisted angles. When a tooth of wisdom does not come correctly, it is considered an impacted tooth. This is called . An impacted tooth of wisdom can damage the surrounding teeth and gums causing infection and inflammation. So once the teeth of wisdom are removed, what are the best foods to eat? Eat liquid foods right after the removal of wisdom teethJust after the teeth are removed from wisdom, it is better to eat foods that are as soft as possible. Liquid foods are the perfect choice here. With liquid foods, your first impulse is to use a straw. However, according to Kennewick, WA is better to avoid straws. He says, "When you drink, make sure you don't use a straw. The sucker movement can loosen up its sutures and delay the clotting process." It's also better to keep your foods at a comfortable temperature. Your mouth will be sensitive to extreme hot or cold foods. If the liquid is too hot and your mouth is still numb of the anesthesia and Novocain, you could burn. Milk smoothies, smoothies, broths and fine soups are a few liquid foods that are excellent for just after extraction. These foods are loaded with nutrients to help the body with the healing process. Soft food to eat several days after the removal of wisdom teeth Depending on the number of wisdom teeth you have removed and the process, you can start eating soft foods within a day or two. Gellions and puddings are easy to eat and delicious options. Greek yogurt is a good source of calcium and protein. Fruits and mature or purpurified vegetables add nutrients and fiber to your diet. Ice cream is a good gift and the cold can be relaxing to your painful mouth. It is best to avoid spicy foods and acids, seeds, grains, nuts, fries or crunchy foods. Small pieces of food may irritate the surgery site or enter the wound area, causing the wound to reopen or start an infection. Eating regular food after your wisdom teeth are eliminated Once the pain and swelling have come down, it can be relieved again to eat regular foods. This will probably be 3 or 4 days after extraction. It is best to start with regular foods such as oats, scrambled eggs, home cheese, other soft cheeses or fish. These foods have some texture and are also soft in the mouth. They are also high in proteins and are good for healing bones and tissues. The healing process after the removal of wisdom teeth The process of removing wisdom teeth can be as fast as 20 minutes without complications or more severe if the teeth are impacted and require a hospital stay and general anesthesia. The amount of time needed to heal depends on how many teeth have been removed and the ability of your body to heal. A healthy diet is an important part of the healing process. Foods that are high in protein, vitamins and minerals can increase your immune system to reduce inflammation and rebuild damaged bones and tissue. The first day or two after your wisdom teeth removed your diet should be liquid and soft food. For the third day you should be able to start eating foods with more texture. At the end of the week the pain should disappear, your mouth should be healing well, and you should be able to eat regular foods again. After your teeth are removed from your wisdom it will take time for your mouth to heal. Eating soft and healthy foods will help you through the recovery process and will return you to eat regular meals at any time.!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id))){js=d.createElement(s);js (function d, s, id) { br js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) returns; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Latest Craig Barney Publications About About About About About About Related posts Related posts Comments are closed. 20 Security strategies to increase acceptance of the dental case Rate without being PushySUBSCRIBE: Subject: Episode Podcast of Doctors Blogging Message : Hi: I found this podcast episode in The Blogging Doctors and I thought you'd like: " This is the link: Let me know what you think. 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