My baby fusses or cries when breastfeeding - what's the problem? • KellyMom.comWe strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. We respect everyone's right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other members of the community, and comply with the Terms of Use of What You Expect. If you feel that a message or content violates these standards and you want to request their removal, send the following information and our moderator team will respond shortly. Tugging on Nipple Mi LO is 3 weeks and while breastfeeding you will start to get very hard in my nipple (like a dog with a chewing toy) as you often wrinkle and stretch your entire body (usually arching your back). I have to get her out, I will bury her (which is beaten or missing if she even mocks) and then I offer her to come back and she aggressively wants to come back as if she hasn't made the food. It happens a lot of gas regularly and I don't think it's plugged in. She just started making this agitated aggressive the last few days. At first he didn't. I'm trying to support her and keep her on fire, or I'm gonna get my chest to her. Could it be the way I'm holding it? Someone suggested You may have a heavy-duty depression, but she doesn't always do this right out of the bat, usually halfway through the food that starts this. I also find it hard to express the milk (only drops) so it is hard to imagine that my deception of milk is so strong. next bc we have the same problem that a few days ago (4 weeks now). My 4 weeks does this! Exactly the same story. A breastfeeding consultant told me that they do it for one of several reasons1) high-voltage gas/ stomach 2) drop-down too fast3) that are trying to trigger another desplegation/milk flow faster My 3 months used to do this a lot but not so much now. If you do now, I'll try to make fun of it and then change tits. Same thing is happening to me. It's like a fight in every feeding, so frustrating The same thing happens to me and LC said I have a big disappointment. Sometimes I'll completely rip off my tits and milk buds everywhere. Try a bowed position. It doesn't fix the problem for me, but it makes it better for her. That's what an LC told me, but I've never shot milk. It only falls when I express milk. Otherwise, it could be a gas problem as the pp have said. Related articles > DiscussionsFirst Birthday Topics Best Bathroom Suggestions Join These moms who share birth storiesFind support in our PPD groupGame to your week of pregnancy trends in what to expect8 expensive products Moms say money is wrong captivating You can't see this cool content because you have the enabled ad block. Please clarify our site to get all the best offers and offers from our partners.8 Significant Ridic Things Others Did in the Delivery RoomMoms Discuss Family PlanningMoms Get Real About Postpartum SexMom Talk About How to Program Mom's Time The educational health content about what to expect is to be updated and in line with evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including medical exam What to Expect Heidi Murkoff's Books. This educational content is not medical advice or diagnosis. The use of this site is subject to our and . © 2021 Health of All Days, Inc
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